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turn someone on
1. To excite or arouse someone sexually.SYNONYMS: ring someone's bell; ring someone's chimes.
2. To be romantically or sexually attractive to someone.
SYNONYMS: ring someone's bell; ring someone's chimes.
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turn handstands
turn in the barrel
turn it on
turn my bike round
turn off
turn on
turn on the heat
turn on the lamps
turn on the sizzlers
turn on the sprinkler
turn on the tube
turn on the waterworks
turn one out
turn oneself in
turn out
turn over
turn that frown upside down
turn the corner
turn the knob
Turn the tables
turn the teacup over
turn tricks
turn up
turn up one's tail
turned off
turned on
turned on by
turned out
turned over
turning japanese
turn in the barrel
turn it on
turn my bike round
turn off
turn on
turn on the heat
turn on the lamps
turn on the sizzlers
turn on the sprinkler
turn on the tube
turn on the waterworks
turn one out
turn oneself in
turn out
turn over
turn someone on
turn someone outturn that frown upside down
turn the corner
turn the knob
Turn the tables
turn the teacup over
turn tricks
turn up
turn up one's tail
turned off
turned on
turned on by
turned out
turned over
turning japanese