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(Noun) The innate fear of the number thirteen.Usage: Many hotels do not have a thirteenth floor due to triskaidekaphobia.
(Noun) Fear of the number 13.
(Noun) fear of the number thirteen
(Noun) Phobia or fear from number 13
(Noun) fear of the number 13
(Noun) The fear of the number 13
Usage: We all have triskaidekaphobia, so our hotel has no thirteenth floor.
(Noun) fear of 13
Usage: i have triskaidekaphobia so i stay inside on the 13th of every month.
(Noun) It's a phobia that consists of fear of the number 13
(Noun) It's the fear of the number XIII
(Noun) The fear of the number thirteen.
It comes from the christian story of Jesus and the last supper when Jesus and his twelve disciples (thirteen people) last sat to eat together.
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