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(Verb) To strike the rear end repeatedly with the flattened hand or flat instruments such as a spoon or hairbrush to induce sting for the purpose of punishment or erotic stimulation.Usage: If you don't shape up you are going to get a spanking.
To strike the buttocks with a flat object or an open hand for punishment or pleasure.
(1) Matthew Hollis (Michael Caine) and Jennifer Lyons (Michelle Johnson) Blame It on Rio (1984):
-- Matthew: ' Kiss you? I oughta spank you! '
-- Jennifer: ' Oh, please, and bite me too.'
(2) Marty (Peter MacNicol) to Hungarian waitress Gwen (Goldie Hawn) in Housesitter (1992): 'Are you ticklish? Do you spank? '
(3) Destiny Demeanor (Kathy Ireland) to Sgt. Jack Colt (Emilio Estevez) in National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 (1993): ' I'm just a gal like any other gal. I want a home, a family, an occasional spanking.'
(4) Tin Cup/RoyMcAvoy (Kevin Costner) and Molly (Rene Russo) a psychologist in Tin Cup (1997): ' Does my inner child need a spanking? '
(Verb) to slap on the bottom with the open hand; to punish
Usage: the school master will spank the child for misbehaving
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spank the carrot
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spanking Elvis
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Spanish Armada
spanish dagger
Spanish fly
Spanish gout
Spanish hip hop
Spanish Main
Spanish Needle
Spanish padlock
Spanish pip
Spanish pox
Spanish rice
Spanish Rose
Spanish tummy
spank the bishopspank the carrot
spank the hangdown
spank the little boy
spank the wank
spank the wife's best friend
spanking cheetah
spanking Elvis
spanking lovers
spanking the bishop
spanking the frank
spanking the monkey
spanking the salami