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Dialectical slang for an aggressive or masculine lesbian, a term alluding to the bossiness of some female homosexuals. Synonyms: boon dagger; boonch; bootch; bull; bull bitch; bull-dagger; bull-dike(r); bull-dogger; bumper; butch; butch lesbian; butch dagger; butz; diesel dyke; dike; dyke.
See also: baby butch; baby dyke; boy dyke; buildiking; camper; dinky dyke; gaychick; molly dyke; semi-diesel; sergeant; soft butch; stone butch; stone femme.
police officer
officer in army
(Noun) A common military non-commissioned rank in many nations. Specifically, a mid-range non-commissioned military person. Generically, any sergeant.
Usage: (Generically) The colonel said "Sergeant!" to catch the attention of a master sergeant.
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