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musical instrument having a flat-backed rounded body that narrows in the middle, a long fretted neck, and usually six strings, played by strumming or plucking.(Noun) An instrument with strings.
(Noun) A musical instrument that usually consists of 6 strings and about 20 frets.
Usage: I enjoy playing my favorite songs on guitar.
(Noun) A musical instrument with strings
(Noun) A popular stringed musical instrument which is played by adjusting the fingers of one hand to pull a string to rest behind a metal bar, producing a higher note when the string is pulled and released. The action of pulling and releasing or "strumming" is normally accomplished by moving an object past the strings, and a wide range of notes may be played.
Usage: "Can you play guitar?"
(Noun) One of the most used and famous musical instruments.
Usage: My guitar is a fender stratocaster.
instrument with 6 strings that you strum to make music
Usage: Willie Nelson plays the guitar really well
There are also electric guitars and bass guitars that are used in rock and roll bands
Usage: I'm anxious to start my guitar lessons
(Noun) a six stringed instrument
(Noun) a string instrument, used with hands
Usage: The musician played the guitar
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