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do a leap
To copulate, said of males. Dates back to the 16 th century; now seldom heard. See copulation for synonyms.
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do a back fall
do a barrel roll
do a bit (of beef)
do a bit of nifty
do a bottom-wetter
do a dike
do a dive in the dark
do a do-do
do a dogs rig
do a dry waltz with oneself
do a fade-out
do a flop
do a great impression of (someone)
do a grind
do a job for oneself
do a kindness
do a nifty
do a one-finger exercise
do a perpendicular
do a push
do a rudeness
do a rural
do a spread
do a stern job
do a sweet pea
do a tumble
do a woman's job for her
do an inside worry
do and dare
do escort work
do face time
do a barrel roll
do a bit (of beef)
do a bit of nifty
do a bottom-wetter
do a dike
do a dive in the dark
do a do-do
do a dogs rig
do a dry waltz with oneself
do a fade-out
do a flop
do a great impression of (someone)
do a grind
do a job for oneself
do a kindness
do a leap
do a line withdo a nifty
do a one-finger exercise
do a perpendicular
do a push
do a rudeness
do a rural
do a spread
do a stern job
do a sweet pea
do a tumble
do a woman's job for her
do an inside worry
do and dare
do escort work
do face time