1. Lacking emotion, affection, friendliness, feeling, or passion. Quote: Con artist Eddie (Dana Carvey) and Connie (Sally Gracie) in Opportunity Knocks (1990):
-- Eddie: ' This chick is cold.'
-- Connie: ' So warm her up.'
2. Displaying no emotional warmth; unresponsive; frigid.; not sensuous or amatory. Cold biscuit, cold coffee, cold tea, cold pan, cold shoulder, cold storage, an unresponsive person, usually a woman. See also: block of ice; freezer; iceberg; marble heart. ' S/Hhe's not cold, s/he's a nice soft cool.'
(1) Bob Brooks (Reginald Denny) to his wife Angela (Kay Johnson) in Madam Satan (1930): ' I think you're above all women, but below zero.'
(2) Robert Crain/Hans Kyle (Marlon Brando) to Col. Statter (Trevor Howard) in Morituri (1965):
-- Crain/Kyle: ' You're a cold bastard! '
-- Col. Statter: ' I was born on a chilly island.'
3. Without foreplay.
(Abbreviation) Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
(Adjective) The absence of heat
(Adjective) absence of heat
(Adjective) chilly
an untreatable illness you don't actually get from being cold
(Adjective) The state of not being warm or freezing
(Adjective) at low temperature
(Noun) an illness that leaves it's sufferers tired, coughing and ill.
(Abbreviation) Computer On-Line Data
(Abbreviation) Computer Output Laser Disk
(Abbreviation) Computer Output to Laser Disc
(Abbreviation) Computer Output to Laser Disk
(Abbreviation) Computer Outputs to Laser Disk