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(Abbreviation) Washington Internship Institute(Noun) A very fun and unique current generation video game system.
Usage: If you want a fun and unique way to play games, the Wii is for you. Just remember that for some games it's good, and others it's downright GOD-AWFUL.
(Noun) A video game system developed by Nintendo. It is the first released video game system that involves actually moving the body instead of solely using buttons for control. The Wii can also be used with accessories such as the Wii MotionPlus and the Balance Board. It is currently Nintendo's most famous system; over 3,000,000 were sold within the first week of its release.
Usage: Me and my friends agree that the Wii is the best gaming system ever invented.
(Abbreviation) Weatherford International Incorporated
(Abbreviation) Western Innovations, Inc.
(Abbreviation) Woodcraft Industries, Inc.
(Abbreviation) Wildlife Institute of India
(Noun) An VERY addicting video game.
Usage: I'm going to play the Wii.
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