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(Noun) A traditional game played in Australia, usually on Australia Day. Some variations of the game exist but have all been derived from the early settlers in the canal region of the Gold Coast. All that is required is a ball (Tennis ball perfect), a awning or 'Roof', a pitch (below the roofline) and a vertical wall behind the roof. The 'Server' throws the ball and it must come in contact with both roof and wall and the 'Catcher' must make ground and read the bounce to catch with one hand only. Then the roles are reversed. Matched usually are decided with the first to reach 11 points as the winner.Usage: Jay, the Canadian, made everyone's Australia Day when he couriered the Roofball trophy for the big Roofball tournament. - Or as a Verb - The roofballing was of a great standard and Roofball was the big winner!
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