
C rate
(Roman numeral) 100
C rate
(Abbreviation) Celsius
c rate
(Noun) The third letter of the modern English alphabet
C rate
(Abbreviation) Carbon (diamond; charcoal; graphite) (chemistry)
C rate
A PC programming language.
Usage: I use C to enode my websites.

c rate
(Noun) The third letter of the alphabet.
C rate
(Adult / Slang)
1. An abbreviation, in personal ads, for Catholic. Examples: SC/F = Single Catholic Female. BiC/M = Bisexual Catholic Male.

2. Or: c**t / c--t, a euphemistic substitution for the taboo word cunt.

c rate
(Abbreviation) candle
C rate
(Abbreviation) An abbreviation for see, as in I see you. Commonly used in texting language.
Usage: I c you.

C rate
(Abbreviation) carbon

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