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COMPUTING:Defines an area of protected code execution, so that the program will not end if an error is thrown. It is always followed by two kinds of flow control statements: a catch or a finally (or both). The catch (sometimes called Except) gets the exception so it is possible to handle it (or to throw a different one, if necessary). The finally block is always executed, regardless of the problem thrown.
Usage: Try block in Java:
try {
//This method can throw an exception
} catch (Exception e) {
//prints the problem on console
} finally {
//Resources have always to be closed
try {
//This method can throw an exception
} catch (Exception e) {
//prints the problem on console
} finally {
//Resources have always to be closed
(Abbreviation) The Random Yak
(Abbreviation) They Represent You
(Abbreviation) Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim
(Verb) To make an attempt at something.
(Verb) attempt
(Verb) attempt.
(Verb) Attempt to do.
(Verb) to attempt.
(Verb) to attempt
(Noun) an attempt
(Verb) to attempt to do something.
(Verb) attempt to do something; to take a chance
(Verb) To put forth effort.
Usage: I am trying to get this done.
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