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Americanism for the perineum: that area of the anatomy between the anus and the male or female genitals. See perineum for synonyms.ETYMOLOGY: Derived either from the phrase ' it'aint arse and t'aint fanny ' or ' t'ain't one or the other '.
(Expression) Vulgar term for the perineum, the area of skin rich in nerve endings that is located below the anus. For women, the perineum extends to the vaginal opening; for men it extends to the base of the testicles.
Usage: It Tain't arse and it Tain't 'gina.
(Verb) To taint is comparable to it's near anagram i.e. to stain... To mix in with negative elements or shady insinuations.
Usage: The Tour de France was tainted with blood-transfusion rumors.
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