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so what
(Expression) 1. To recognize something as being no big deal, hardship or obstacle to completing a task or goal. 2. Objections noted as being considered frivolous or mute. 3. An expressed lack of sympathy. 4. An expressed disinterest for a concern, interest or topic communicated. 5. An interrogative request for reasoning to be explained or reason(s) to be cited to support some protest or objection. 6. An indication that a reply to an interrogative request for reasoning to be explained or reason(s) to be cited is now to be forthcoming.Usage: 1. "So what if we don't have eight loaves of bread, you can take the five we have now, and I'll have the other three delivered as soon as they come out of the oven." 2. "So what if you don't want to get any sun, the rest of us would like to go to the beach, so that is where we are going." 3. "So what if you can't walk because you sprained your ankle, the rest of us are still going to the theme park." 4. "So what, nobody wants to hear about your Spanish aunt's guitar." 5. "I left your hamburger for you outside the back door, over next to the dog house, so what?" 6. "So what?: Your dog ate my hamburger, because dogs like hamburgers in case you were too stupid to think about that, that's what!"
Often used in a stand alone reply with the subject being understood, as in "So what!" or "So what?"
Often used in a stand alone reply with the subject being understood, as in "So what!" or "So what?"
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