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(Noun) a set of beliefs about something, usually a god(Noun) Religion is a form of mental disorder that is spread by mems and is associated with different sort of beliefs having at most marginal connection with facts. In most cases religion is acquired by humans during childhood indoctrination, thus large groups of people may share the same set of beliefs or delusions. There is a special technical term for religious delusion -- relusion. Beliefs depend on geographical location, they are conventional like culture, whereas objective facts, like those discovered by science, are universal. Beliefs spread within local tribes like different skills or habits. But there are also some beliefs which are more common, however, this observation is easily explainable, for example, the belief in afterlife is caused by fear of death shared by all conscious beings. Some kinds of beliefs may spread even throughout continents and become common for large groups of people, like Christianity, Judaism or Islam.
(Noun) a belief in a supreme being and an after life
Usage: Christianity is a religion.
(Noun) the organised and dogmatic institution trying to explain the universal truth, believing in a creator of divine origin often represented on earth by a prophet having received spiritual messages from this god and was therefore chosen to teach and preach moral and lifestyle issues
Usage: The most well-known religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism all state that there is only one God.
What people believe about God or Gods, and how they worship
From Latin religio = reverance
(Noun) Religion is a form of mental disorder spreading by mnems and is associated with different sort of beliefs having at most marginal connection with facts. In most cases religion is acquired by humans during childhood indoctrination thus large groups of people may share the same set of beliefs or delusions. There is special technical term for religious delusion -- relusion. Beliefs cannot be proved or disproved by observational facts, therefore beliefs have nothing to do with scientifical knowledge. Beliefs depend on geographical location, while scientifical facts are universal. Beliefs spreads within local tribes like different skills or habits. But there are also some beliefs which are more common, however their presence is easily explainable, for example, the belief in afterlife is caused by fear of death shared by all conscious beings. Some kinds of beliefs may spread even throughout continents and become common for large groups of people, like Christianity, Judaism or Islam.
Usage: When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.
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