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(Noun) a person with bright red hair, like an orangutanUsage: Look at theat stupid ranga!
(Noun) a term used to call people with red hair; better known as red heads. Short for orangutans (the red monkeys).
Usage: "He's a ranga sir"
Is an offensive term used to describe red hair.
(Adjective) To describe a child or adult with a reddish orange colored hair. Not really meant as an insult, but can be taken as one.
Usage: ew yuck look at that ranga (if used as an insult)
hey ranga what's up (used as a nickname)
hey ranga what's up (used as a nickname)
People who have red hair, white skin and freckles
Usage: No rangas aloud in this church
(Adjective) A Ranga refers to a person with Red Hair.
Note: This is a non-offensive term used commonly in the Australian vocabulary.
Usage: Oi look at that Ranga.
refers to a person with red hair short for orangutan the red haired monkeys
Usage: "look shes a ranga"!
(Adverb) short for orangutan, meaning red head.
Usage: "excuse me, ranga what is your name?"
(Abbreviation) Royal Australian Navy Gliding Association
(Noun) Ranga refers to a person with bright red hair, "like an oRANGAtan"
Usage: Look at that fucking ranga!
(Noun) someone with red hair
Usage: Hey ranga, you're a ginger :L
(Noun) It means a fag with red hair
(Noun) Ranga is an is a non offensive and affectionate slang term used to describe person with red hair. Australian in origin, it is derived from shortening the words 'Red Kangaroo' which is an Australian native animal.
Usage: That Sheila is a ranga!
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