

queynte rate
(Adult / Slang)
(Noun) Queynte was not a pun at all. It was the word that preceded cunt; cunt derived from queynte.
queynte rate
(Adult / Slang)
Obsolete term used by Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1343-1400) and his contemporaries for the vagina, an obvious pun on cunt. It has been suggested that cunt may derive from the Old English coint / coynte / quaint / qwaynt / queynte. See vagina for synonyms.

QUOTE: Geoffrey Chaucer. The Miller's Tale (1386): ' Full prively he caught her by the queinte.' and ' Prycelyhe caught her by the queynte.' ( Queynte , from quaint , a many-layered, in-folded mystery.)

queynte rate
(Noun) Come on, guys - the word isn't an obvious pun on anything - that's the way Chaucer & Co. spelled it - and the word's ultimate origin is - of course - Latin "cunnis."

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