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where something is in placeUsage: I got the top position in the company
(Noun) a way of sitting
(Verb) to put in a certain way of sitting
Short for: coital position; intercourse position; lovemaking position; sex position; sexual position. See coital position for synonyms.
(1) Rajah (Nigel de Brulier), the astrologer, and Tira (Mae West) in I'm No Angel (1933):
-- Raajah: ' I see a new position for you.'
-- Tira: ' Sitting or reclining? '
(2) John Buckner (Kieffer Sutherland) to Huey Walker (Dennis Hopper) in Flashback (1989):
-- John: 'Assume the position.'
-- Huey: 'Which one did you have in mind? '
(3) Mac (Gene Hackman) to Reva (Nancy Travis) in Loose Cannons (1990):
-- Mac: ' Assume the position.'
-- Reva: 'This is the position you meant, right? I watch American TV. At least you didn't say spread 'em.'
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