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playing chopsticks
Mutual masturbation by two men, based on two people playing Chopsticks on the piano.SYNONYMS: dealing; double jacking; dual masturbation; jack off party; jack-off session; M and M; mutual masturbation; pole vaulting; Swedish culture; swordfighting.
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Playboy Bunny
Playboys Playmate
playground, the
playing a bass solo
playing a little five-on-one
playing a little game of five on one
playing a one-stringed guitar
playing a solo on the meat whistle
playing around
playing canasta
playing hoopsnake
playing in a one-man show
playing in the sandbox
playing peek-a-boo (with Mr. Johnson)
playing piano
playing pocket pinball
playing pocket pool
playing soapy Peter
playing solitaire
playing tag with the pink torpedo
playing the beaver
playing the fiddle
playing the flesh flute
playing the flesh trombone
playing the hairy banjo
Playboy Bunny
Playboys Playmate
playground, the
playing a bass solo
playing a little five-on-one
playing a little game of five on one
playing a one-stringed guitar
playing a solo on the meat whistle
playing around
playing canasta
playing chopsticks
playing fieldplaying hoopsnake
playing in a one-man show
playing in the sandbox
playing peek-a-boo (with Mr. Johnson)
playing piano
playing pocket pinball
playing pocket pool
playing soapy Peter
playing solitaire
playing tag with the pink torpedo
playing the beaver
playing the fiddle
playing the flesh flute
playing the flesh trombone
playing the hairy banjo