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1. The manager and protector of one or more prostitutes, one who lives on a percentage of their earnings or collects all or most of their proceeds but pays their expenses.ETYMOLOGY: From the Old French pimpreneau. pimp, or the Middle French pimper , to allure, to dress smartly.
See pimp [SYN] for synonyms.
(1) Prostitute-model-actress Bree Daniels (Jane Fonda) to P.I. John Klute (Donald Sutherland) in Klute (1971): ' Pimps don't get dates for you, they just take your money.'
(2) R. Reisner & L.Wechsler. Encyclopedia of Graffiti (1974): ' A pimp is a snatch purser.'
2. To procure prostitutes for clients or vice versa
3. By extension, to be willing to sell anything for a price.
4. In high schools, a cool guy popular with girls.
(Adjective) A Man with maddd money and lots of bitches and hoes... bitches and hoes...
Usage: Joey A is a pimp because he has a lot of bitches and hoes around him!!!
(Noun) to own women
Usage: we are pimps
(Noun) something that looks cool
Usage: that shirt is pimp
(Abbreviation) Peeing In My Pants
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