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(Abbreviation) Pleasure Island(Abbreviation) Policy Improvement
(Abbreviation) Postural Integration
(Abbreviation) Power Improved
(Abbreviation) Preußische Instruktionen
(Abbreviation) Price Improvement
(Abbreviation) Primary Immunodeficiencies
(Abbreviation) Prograph International
(Abbreviation) Program Instructions
(Abbreviation) Predictive Index
(Abbreviation) Public Intoxication
(Noun) the mathematical constant used to represent the ratio of any circle's circumference to it's diameter. It is approximately equal to 3.14156.
(Noun) 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028814
Usage: pi is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028814
(Noun) The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter; approximately 3.141592653589793238462643383273.
Usage: The area of a circle is pi times the radius squared.
(Abbreviation) Programmatic Interface
(Abbreviation) Plastcity Index
(Abbreviation) Physik Instrumente
(Abbreviation) Planet Information
(Abbreviation) Plant Information
(Abbreviation) Program Integrity
(Abbreviation) Project Informs
(Abbreviation) Project Inform9s
(Abbreviation) Promotes Ignorance
(Abbreviation) Property Inspector
(Abbreviation) Protease Inhibitors
(Abbreviation) Publc Internet
(Abbreviation) Public Information
(Abbreviation) Price Idex
(Abbreviation) Price Index
(Abbreviation) Primary Infertility
(Abbreviation) Primary Investigator
(Abbreviation) Princeton Instruments
(Abbreviation) Principal Issues
(Abbreviation) Private Interconnect
(Abbreviation) Private Investigation
(Abbreviation) Private Investigator
(Abbreviation) Pro Italia
(Abbreviation) Processing Instruction
Pi is a mathematical constant, that seemingly goes on forever without pattern. For more on the number Pi or Numbers in general, see their respective articles. Anyway, here we go:
3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 06647 09384 46095...
Usage: FIND PI
A math symbol
(Abbreviation) Punto Informatico
(Abbreviation) Ponder It
(Abbreviation) Popularity Index
(Abbreviation) Portable Interface
(Abbreviation) Post-Intelligencer
(Abbreviation) Power Inverter
(Abbreviation) Preliminary Information
(Abbreviation) Pacific Islands
(Abbreviation) Package Insert
(Abbreviation) Package Integration
(Abbreviation) Panama Industries
(Abbreviation) Paperboard Industries
(Abbreviation) Paranoid Ideation
(Abbreviation) Parity Inner
(Abbreviation) Peacefulness Inventory
(Abbreviation) Per Inquiry
(Abbreviation) Percutaneous Injury
(Abbreviation) Performance Immobiliere
(Abbreviation) Performance Improvements
(Abbreviation) Perhimpunan Indonesia
(Abbreviation) Peripheral Iridotomy
(Abbreviation) Personal Income
(Abbreviation) Personal Information
(Abbreviation) Personal Injury
(Abbreviation) Personica Intelligence
(Abbreviation) Petroleum Inc.
(Abbreviation) Phi International
(Abbreviation) Philippine Islands
(Abbreviation) Philips India
(Abbreviation) Philosophy of Information
(Abbreviation) Photo Interpreters
(Abbreviation) Principal Investigator
(Abbreviation) Principle Investigator
(Abbreviation) Printer's Ink
(Abbreviation) Prison Industries
(Abbreviation) Prison Industry
(Abbreviation) Privacy International
(Abbreviation) Private Investigations
(Abbreviation) Probationary Inspector
(Abbreviation) Process Improvement
(Abbreviation) Process Innovation
(Abbreviation) Processing Instructions
(Abbreviation) Prodigy, Inc.
(Abbreviation) Prodigy Internet
(Abbreviation) Product Identity
(Abbreviation) Product Integration
(Abbreviation) Professional Indemnity
(Abbreviation) Program Identification.
(Abbreviation) Program Improvement
(Abbreviation) Protocol Interface
(Abbreviation) Pukuafu Indah
(Abbreviation) Purchase Invoice
(Abbreviation) Push Initiator
(Abbreviation) Paradox In
(Abbreviation) Partners International
(Abbreviation) People's Initiative
(Abbreviation) Petroleum Institute
(Abbreviation) Photo In
(Abbreviation) Platform Initialization
(Abbreviation) Plaza Indonesia
(Abbreviation) Preuische Instruktionen
(Abbreviation) Problematic Integration
(Abbreviation) Programme Identification.
(Abbreviation) Proteus Insights
(Abbreviation) P-5 Initiative
(Abbreviation) Parris Island
(Abbreviation) Pathway to Independence
(Abbreviation) Patient Info
(Abbreviation) Patient Information
(Abbreviation) Paul Isaacs
(Abbreviation) Peacemaker Institute
(Abbreviation) Pedigree Investigator
(Abbreviation) Performance Improvement
(Abbreviation) Performance Indicator
(Abbreviation) Persistence Ignorance
(Abbreviation) Persistent Infection
(Abbreviation) Pewter Insider
(Abbreviation) Play Index
(Abbreviation) Police Interceptor
(Abbreviation) Political Incorrect
(Abbreviation) Political Insider
(Abbreviation) Photographic Interpretation
(Abbreviation) Preliminary Injunction
the mathematical constant for 3.1415926535, aka 3.14.
note this is an irrelevant number so it goes on for ever.
not to be confused with the pastry. for that, see (pie)
an irrational number
(Abbreviation) Premdor Inc.
(Abbreviation) Pacific Internet
(Abbreviation) Power Integrity
(Abbreviation) Projective Identification
(Abbreviation) Prometheus Institute
(Abbreviation) Prosthodontics Intermedica
(Abbreviation) Primary Immunodeficiency
(Abbreviation) Politically Incorrect
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