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(Noun) Sign of supreme boredom. After reading this definition, you will feel compelled to find a new combination of letters on a keyboard that hasn't been defined yet. By the time you have finished reading this you will have gone insane, LIKE ME! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Usage: (Person): Man, I'm so bored, I think I'll go torture a small fuzzy animal, just to relieve the boredom.
(Captain Fun): Release that small, fuzzy animal! There are other ways to relieve boredom!
(Person): Like what? I already tried typing in all possible keyboard combinations!
(Capt. Fun): Have you tried "mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewq"?
(Person): Gee wizz! That sounds like it could entertain me for ten seconds, and then I could go back to torturing small, fuzzy animals!
(Capt. Fun): That's the spirit!
(Captain Fun): Release that small, fuzzy animal! There are other ways to relieve boredom!
(Person): Like what? I already tried typing in all possible keyboard combinations!
(Capt. Fun): Have you tried "mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewq"?
(Person): Gee wizz! That sounds like it could entertain me for ten seconds, and then I could go back to torturing small, fuzzy animals!
(Capt. Fun): That's the spirit!
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