

Love rate
(Expression) A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person
Usage: I love you

love rate
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. /
to need or require.
Usage: She was so in love with that boy.

love rate
(Noun) feeling of immense care, compassion for another being, whether animal or person
Usage: Love and peace to the whole world

love rate
(Noun) -a feeling of affection/desire for someone
Usage: i'm in love with that boy...

love rate
(Noun) Selfless gift for the benefit of another/others (without a self-centered desire for one's own reward.)
Love rate
(Noun) 1. The personal valuing of another/others so that one desires that they benefit and are happy, without a selfish regard for one's own benefit.
Usage: "Your mother loves you."

"Husbands, love your wives." (Ephesians 5:25)

love rate
(Noun) a feeling of strong affection and caring
Usage: Her love for her tiny baby grew with every moment.

Love rate
an extraordinary feeling
love rate
(Noun) something that you feel deep inside your heart when you like someone
Usage: baby, i love you.

love rate
(Verb) to care about someone or something more than you care about yourself.
love rate
(Noun) a great emotion that is impossible to describe but the easiest one of all to feel.
Usage: I love you.

love rate
(Adjective) It's a feeling very hard that people can feel.
Sometimes it hurts but sometimes it's happiness.
Usage: I'm in love with you

Love rate
(Noun) Direct clear pure and truthful connection to another being
Usage: I felt love for him the first time I saw him.

Love rate
(Verb) To have a deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or people.
Usage: She is special to me because I love her.

love rate
(Noun) A deep, tender, feeling of affection toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
love rate
(Verb) to show affection to someone.
Usage: The mother loves her child..

love rate
(Noun) sentiment of caring, attachment and affection for someone or something
Usage: i love my child

Love rate
(Noun) the felling than a person can experience by helping each other
Usage: Love is real , real is love
Love is feeling , feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved

Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved

Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
we can be

Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needed to be loved

love rate
(Noun) you realize you are in love when u see a guy and say no one can be more beautiful than him
love rate
(Noun) An intense feeling of deep affection for a person or an object.
Usage: Seeing my mother smile fills me with love.

love rate
(Noun) An idea of extreme affection.
Usage: She really loves Matthew.
She really loves YOU.

Love rate
(Noun) Internal feelings of Human for human or animal or anything.
Usage: We should Love People

love rate
(Noun) passionate affection for another person; sexual passion or desire
Usage: I love you.

love rate
(Noun) to have a strong liking for
Usage: I love my family

love rate
(Noun) something you give to someone else when you really care about them.
Usage: "i really love you" Sam said to Elizabeth.

Love rate
(Adjective) strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties <maternal love for a child> (2): attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers (3): affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests <love for his old schoolmates> b: an assurance of love <give her my love>
Usage: I LOVE my son very much

love rate
(Verb) To care about someone so much that he/she becomes more important to you than yourself.
Usage: The world would be better if people would love each other.

love rate
(Noun) strong positive emotion of regard and affection;
Usage: "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"

love rate
all you need is love
love rate
(Noun) the capability to be passionate about others, being a friend, caring for others.
Usage: People need care, love, and support from others.

love rate
unconditional feeling of every living thing
purest emotion one can feel
Usage: loving mom makes me live longer

love rate
(Verb) to give up your wishes to make the other happy
Usage: I love you

love rate
(Verb) to care for deeply
Usage: I love you.

love rate
(Verb) the most powerful energy of life.
Usage: For my love is so strong, i am ready to fight, turn the dark into the light.

Love rate
(Adjective) To care about someone
Usage: I love William

Love rate
(Verb) The commitment of actively wanting God's best for someone.
Usage: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but to save it." - John 3:16-17

love rate
(Pronoun) The highest of the feelings that remains us we're the same kind, remembering we belong to each other
Usage: The love must be the stone, in which we would build humanity

Love rate
An intensely emotional feeling of passion, care, and respect for a fellow being.
Usage: No matter his flaws, I love him.

love rate
(Noun) 1. love-feeling toward family, friends, significant other of admiration, appreciation
2. to love (verb)
3. in love--feeling specifically toward significant other, husband, wife
Usage: I love my mom

love rate
When you put someone else's needs before your own
love rate
(Verb) 1. to fell good feelings about someone or something
2. to like something
Usage: We all love the children in Africa.

Love rate
To care for someone unconditionally.
Usage: For all of you that have been taking there time to define a word for feeding a hungry child is a very loving person.

love rate
(Noun) a strong emotion of intimacy and care
Usage: He felt love for his girlfriend, and wanted to marry her.

love rate
(Verb) to have strong fealings of liking twords a person or thing.
Usage: I love helping the needy.

love rate
(Adjective) a feeling indescribable
Usage: i love you.

love rate
(Noun) a feeling of strong affection towards someone, not always romantically.
Usage: I love you!!!

Love rate
(Verb) The only word to express how much Jesus Christ cares for us. John 3:16
love rate
(Verb) " Loving is to find in the happiness of another your own(proper) happiness ". Gottfried Leibniz
Usage: GOD loves you to every moment

Love rate
(Expression) is the only option to save us, the world, the children.
Love rate
(Verb) God is !
love rate
(Noun) a feeling no one can describe unless they are going through it
Usage: Love is what makes the world a better place.

Love rate
(Noun) comes from the heart
Usage: The heart has the infinite power of Love

Love rate
(Verb) Love is to have compassion to someone or something.
Usage: I love my parents, and all my friends too.

love rate
(Verb) a thing for people who like one another
Usage: I love this boy at my school.

love rate
(Noun) someone you care about so much
love rate
(Verb) A vital feeling in order to live. Caring about others over one's self.
Usage: We love, because he first loved us.

love rate
(Noun) an emotion felt by a person, extreme devotion and passion.
Usage: I think I love Andrew, and I'm willing to follow him to the ends of the end for a glimpse of him.

Love rate
(Noun) Jesus Christ.
Usage: Jesus Christ is Love and Love is Jesus Christ just read His Word.

LOVE rate
(Abbreviation) Listen Objectively, Validate, Educate.
Love rate
(Noun) affection
love rate
it is a relation between two hearts its undefinable................
Usage: love stands forever

love rate
(Noun) Deepest feeling that one can experience
Usage: Love is all around..

love rate
(Noun) feeling of affection
love rate
(Noun) happiness
love rate
feeling of needing, wanting someone
love rate
a passionate and deafening desire from within
Usage: I love my savior Jesus Christ.

love rate
(Verb) the decision to put another person's needs before yours. The desire to make another person happy. The need to share your life with that person and be near them.
Usage: I love my family

love rate
(Verb) to express great feelings of compassion
Usage: Mary loved the beautiful blue shirt.

Love rate
Loving, Godly behavior
love rate
(Noun) a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person
Usage: i love you

love rate
(Verb) to show adoration towards something else
Usage: Love is true, if it is not, it's not love.

love rate
(Verb) to have sincere affection for another person.
love rate
(Noun) love is life and it gives to u something feeling.
Usage: my love is ABC..............

Love rate
(Noun) An emotional feeling shared between two human beings
love rate
feeling towards someone
love rate
Love is friendship set on fire
love rate
its all that you feel that it`s kind and makes you feel good and happy
Usage: i feel in love with you

love rate
(Verb) the way people feel when meeting someone special
Usage: Analia loves her boyfriend Karl.

Love rate
(Verb) An action made by someone to someone else in a heart of compassion and servanthood.
Usage: Love others as Christ loved you!

Love rate
(Verb) A strong emotion one person feels for more than usual a person (can also be an object). Known to be the greatest feeling a person can feel.
Usage: I love you.

love rate
(Verb) feel about some one
Usage: i am in love with nick jonas

love rate
(Noun) a deep feeling of affection or attraction to another person; the most powerful force in the world
love rate
(Verb) To like something or someone intensely.
Usage: I love her so much.

love rate
(Noun) A feel of deep affection and attachment directed at a beloved thing.
love rate
(Verb) To have deep emotions for someone; deep affection.
Usage: I love him so much that I want to kiss him!

love rate
(Noun) Affection and tenderness felt toward another person.
love rate
(Verb) To like something more than a lot.
Usage: I love ice cream.

love rate
a feeling between (hopefully) one or two people. (if not more)
Usage: He was in love with her.

love rate
care about someone
love rate
(Verb) The antonym of hate
love rate
(Noun) an intense and adsorbing emotion drawing one person toward another, causing them to crave appreciate and delight in that person's presence. to want to please and benefit; to be truthful to.
Usage: the love of her life.

love rate
(Noun) something very good and strong people feel to each other
Usage: i love you

love rate
(Noun) like more than others
Usage: I love cake more than pie

love rate
(Noun) The feelings and emotions of a jacka$$. I'd have to be one to fall in love again after being hurt the first time.
love rate
(Noun) respect to the heart
Usage: i love you

love rate
(Noun) compassion, strong liking
Usage: I love my husband because he is so nice to everyone.

love rate
(Verb) have strong feelings of affection for, be very fond of
love rate
(Noun) a feeling toward a person that you like very much.
Usage: I love my mother, because she gave birth to me.

love rate
(Noun) the best feeling on earth
love rate
feelings for someone or something
love rate
(Verb) when you like someone
Usage: I love you.

love rate
(Noun) care or affection
love rate
love is the expression of care and affection. it is the exhibition of caring attitude and good will for someone or thing.
love is the nature of God that does not count wrongs but rights. its expression results in peace and unity as well as freedom of living among all.
Usage: precious loves her friends so much that she plays freely with them and teaches them what she finds out they need to know.

love rate
(Verb) Feeling deep-seated affection that goes to the very core of your being.
Usage: I love my family and my friends, but most of all, I love you.

love rate
(Noun) caring sentiment for another.
Usage: He was the love of her life, and she was willing to give up her life for him.

Love rate
(Verb) Feeling a great feeling to someone. Knowing that you would do anything for them. A wonderful feeling toward a person who cares about you and you care about.
Usage: I Love my sister because she is a wonderful person.

love rate
Deep, tender feeling
love rate
(Noun) God feeling
Usage: I love Jesus

love rate
(Noun) love, isn't something that can happen on its own, you must work for another indiviual's love. when they love you they show respect, caring, and much other graceful things. sometimes when somebody loves you they will tell you that they do, and maybe after they state it, they will explain what they love most about you.
Usage: i love you because your are all i think about and you're the person i want to be with for the rest of my life. i love you.

love rate
(Verb) to care for someone or something with reckless abandon, to feel with all of your heart.
Usage: I loved him since the moment we met.

love rate
love is a heterogeneous conglomeration of absurdity calculated to bamboozle the anatomy of an individual who becomes intoxicated with its abominable and irresistible power.
love rate
(Adverb) is very important boys need to understand that!!
Usage: Just understand love boys!!

love rate
to have feelings for somebody or something
Love rate
(Noun) Strong affection, deep feeling of desire, to be enamored with
Usage: We share eternal love.

Love rate
(Expression) The greatest force in all the universe. Can transform all ills and cure all wrongs.
Usage: I Love You

Love rate
(Noun) Sacrifice.
Usage: You come before me, because of my love for you.

Love rate
how i feel about you
Love rate
A space in the heart for a special person.
Usage: I love my family.

Love rate
(Verb) to show intense care for someone or something, and you can do anything to show that you really love them.
Usage: I love my mom, that i could do any thing for her.

love rate
(Noun) The most wonderful feeling.
Usage: Love the Lord.

love rate
(Expression) Strong feelings. Can be toward another person or object.
Usage: I love my dog.

love rate
a feeling of attraction and need that you feel of another person
Usage: I love him so strong that I can't live without him.

Love rate
(Verb) is to do all you do thinking of other person and trying to do it the best way you can. No matter when, what, where, you are responsable for others.
Love rate
(Adjective) Passion
love rate
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
Usage: For the love of mercy, stop the hunger

love rate
(Noun) feeling that many children lack.
love rate
(Noun) this is a state of the persons
Love rate
(Verb) 1) to express gratitude or emotions towards a person in a generous way.

2) to accept and care for another creature
Usage: I love those who make a difference for others.

Love rate
(Noun) An intense feeling of deep affection.
Usage: I love you.

love rate
(Noun) Something that cannot possibly described. The greatest yet most confusing feeling in the world. Yet, so simple to give and receive that it's a widely spread emotion.
Usage: Meredith knew that she loved Joshua the moment he swore to never hurt her.

Love rate
(Noun) An idea or feeling. Usually gained when one adores another.
Usage: Can you feel the love?

love rate
(Verb) to adore
love rate
(Verb) to feel a feeling for another person.
Usage: My dad loves me

love rate
(Noun) have feelings towards someone/something
Usage: I love animals

love rate
(Noun) an intense feeling of fascination/fondness toward someone or something
a sexual interest
Usage: i love life :D

love rate
(Verb) perfect, complete, beyond definition
love rate
what you give to a person when they need it the most, or when you're ready to give it
Usage: I love you

Love rate
(Expression) were you have certain feelings for someone who you will only have with them and no body else
Usage: i love you

love rate
(Verb) its a feeling that u have with another person
Usage: i love you love!

Love rate
(Noun) love is that i will give. love is a thing that all the kids need ALWAYS.
love rate
an everlasting feeling or affection
love rate
(Noun) The way one feels when they have a strong attraction towards another person.
Usage: Her heart hammered loudly as she realized she'd already fallen in love with this boy.

love rate
(Noun) to like or to love another person rather than yourself
Usage: I am in love with my boyfriend

Love rate
(Expression) An expression of deep emotional feeling (positive). Felt from the heart.
Usage: I love my wife, Jenny.

Love rate
A strong feeling with someone to show that you care about them.
Usage: "I love you, Mom". I said right before my bedtime.

love rate
(Noun) caring 'bout another person soooo much dat u love them
Love rate
(Noun) A deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction.
Usage: "Their love left them indifferent to their surroundings"; "she was his first love"

love rate
(Verb) to like very much
love rate
(Noun) a feeling of intense liking
love rate
(Noun) when you find ur true love, the person that will make you happy for the rest of ur life.
Usage: im really in love with my boyfriend.

love rate
(Verb) To care more for someone than yourself.
love rate
(Noun) internal admiration/feelings of something or someone.
Usage: we love yellow and green flowers.

love rate
(Noun) deep good and happy feeling
Usage: i love my hubby so much!

love rate
(Verb) To feel deeply or extremely like something.
Usage: I really love my mom.

love rate
(Noun) deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person
Usage: I love going out with my friend

love rate
(Noun) love is sexual
Usage: i love girls

Love rate
(Noun) Contrary of hate
love rate
to take liking to the next extent
Usage: I love him/her.

Love rate
(Verb) Love is the reason you look at people. Love is the reason the sun comes out and smiles at you. Without love, we wouldn't exist, let alone care about existing.
Usage: I love you.

love rate
(Adjective) a real heartfelt feeling of two or more creatures including humans; real love includes trust, romance, connection of both, and of true contentment or care of other feelings; both feeling a connection or sometimes just love there looks and attributes; really like, enjoy, or find pleasure in something.
Usage: I love playing my saxophone, the tone is always calming and relaxing.

Love rate
deep affection towards a person or thing
Usage: I love you!

love rate
(Noun) strong emotion towards someone
Usage: I love my mum

love rate
(Noun) A profoundly caring affection for another person.
Usage: Love is patient, love is kind.

love rate
(Noun) a feeling in your heart, full of compassion and joy
Usage: "I love you" my mother said as she tucked me into bed.

love rate
(Noun) the feeling you get when you feel something you have never felt before
Usage: I love sunny days.

love rate
(Verb) caring for a person or something more that yourself.
Love rate
(Noun) The most beautiful sentiment existent
love rate
(Verb) To care more about someone else that you do for yourself.
love rate
(Verb) copulation between a man & a woman, with emotions included
Usage: I would love you if we were in bed together.

love rate
an emotion of great fortitude and piousness
Love rate
(Noun) To care for; to care about. To want the best for.
Usage: I love my mom.

love rate
(Verb) an action someone does when they have many feelings for someone.
Usage: I love Josh.

love rate
something that you give to someone that can never be explained because it is such a deep feeling
Usage: I love contributing to starving children and adults

Love rate
(Noun) a strong positive emotion of regard and affection;
any object of warm affection or devotion;
Usage: "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"

love rate
(Verb) to perceive divinity in another person; to see with God's eyes
Love rate
(Expression) The best thing on the world
love rate
(Noun) a feeling of complete adoration between two people.
when two people would do anything for one another.
Usage: i love you.

love rate
Love rate
Love is a feeling of personal attachment or deep affection for another person or thing.
Usage: I love my family and I care about them very much!

love rate
(Verb) Is a shared happiness, feeling of fullness.
Usage: I'm loving you.

love rate
(Noun) A strong positive emotion of regard and affection
Usage: Children need a lot of love

love rate
(Verb) to care and adore someone
Usage: i love you mom

love rate
(Verb) an emotion that binds intelligent beings and propels life
Usage: love for my fellow man made me add this

love rate
(Noun) whether you love god, a husband, boyfriend/girlfriend, family member, friend, pet, etc. it's a feeling of warmth and caring about that person
Usage: everybody is loved by someone, even when it does not seem like it.

Love rate
(Verb) To care strongly about
Usage: I love you.

love rate
(Noun) a feeling of tenderness for another person/object
profound feeling
meaning of life.
Usage: i love you so much.

love rate
(Noun) A feeling of self-worth.
Usage: I feel loved.

love rate
(Noun) a person whom you are willing to give your heart to.
a feeling that is more than any word could ever explain.
Usage: My love, you are the light of my life.

love rate
(Adjective) a form or trust that goes beyond explanation and falls to faith
Usage: I want to be with him/her forever because I love him/her, and I know he/she will always be there for me.

No matter what happens I know my family loves me.

Love rate
(Noun) Affection Adore
Usage: I love you

love rate
(Verb) Love is a feeling from the heart that is in the present moment and it enables us to see our fellowman and everything in our world as perfect and beautiful.
Usage: The greatest gift that one human being can give to the world is more love.

love rate
(Noun) The act we all experience at least one time in our life. It can make us, or break us, but whatever way you take it still affects us deeply.
Usage: This guy I once knew filled me with love, but now we haven't seen each other for 12 years.

love rate
(Verb) a feeling of affection to a single person, to some object, or to humanity in general
Usage: I love children!

love rate
(Expression) a good thing
Usage: i love you

Love rate
(Noun) Selfless appreciation of someone else's existence
Usage: I love you no matter how much I don't like you.

love rate
(Noun) warm affection
Usage: I love salad and I can't stop eating it because it's so good!

Love rate
God is love. In John 1:1, it says: In the beginning was the Word, and and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The Bible is God's words, and it is love.
love rate
(Verb) the act of feeling a great deal of care and attachment to a person, place or thing.
Usage: I love my boyfriend, my hometown, and tacos.

love rate
(Noun) something that is never easy, but totally worth it in the end
love rate
(Expression) love its wonderful thing in this world.
Usage: love makes us.

love rate
(Expression) its pure devotional.......... we cant touch it, we just feel that.
Usage: if u love some one u forgot everything.

love rate
(Noun) a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend
Usage: Love is like a golden thread that ties our hearts and souls together.

love rate
(Verb) the infatuation of one thing or person to something or someone else.
Usage: She loved him so much, she thought she wouldn't be able to live without him.

love rate
(Noun) A strong emotion showing compassion towards another.
Usage: Lacey loves Hayden.

Love rate
(Noun) A word that cannot be described with words, but only by actually achieving it.
Usage: All you need is love.

love rate
a feeling
Usage: love is wonderful

love rate
(Noun) feeling of warmth and kindheartedness and generosity and goodness to another being.
love rate
(Verb) demonstrating kindness, through a specific action or acts, directed towards another human being or group without expectation of reciprocation or personal benefit.
Usage: "Love your neighbor as yourself"

love rate
(Noun) to give without demanding something back
Usage: I love you

love rate
(Noun) act of kindness
Usage: i love you.

Love rate
Unconditional emotions, joyful feeling
Usage: I love my country

love rate
(Noun) the amazing feeling of affection.
Usage: i love you.

love rate
(Noun) a feeling of admiration, a deep feeling towards a person.
Usage: I love you.

love rate
a warm feeling in your body when u love someone
Usage: i love him most of my life

love rate
want.need.affection.desire(sexual and none sexual)to be loved=i need affection.
Usage: love means i need you.

Love rate
(Adjective) To care deeply for someone. To show one love. To be loved!
Usage: I love my husband and family with all of my heart!

love rate
(Verb) love is an expression or feeling for another human being
Usage: i love my family very much!!!

love rate
(Noun) a true concern for the well being of a person, place, or thing
love rate
(Noun) something you cannot touch, but can see and feel and hear around the world, it's so powerful it can save anything
Usage: Love can keep anything together.

Love rate
(Noun) A human emotion caused by the feeling of affection.
love rate
(Noun) care towards other people
Usage: I love you.

love rate
(Noun) that warm fuzzy feeling you get inside when you're next to someone you have a great like for
Usage: I like how love feels.

love rate
to have very strong (positive) feelings for someone
Love rate
To have great concern for, admire
love rate
(Noun) a deep feeling you can never get rid of
love rate
(Noun) a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
Love rate
(Verb) The act of sacrifice without feeling it is a sacrifice
Love rate
Something that you cannot control
Love rate
(Verb) The act of putting someone(or something) in your heart and mind
Usage: I love you

LOVE rate
(Abbreviation) Loss Of Valuable Energy
love rate
(Verb) to like something
Love rate
(Noun) A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
Usage: The cactus loves hot, dry air.

Love rate
(Verb) when you have strong feelings for another person/animal/thing
Usage: I love you

love rate
(Expression) The expression of ones feelings of passion,intmacy and commitment towars another.
Usage: John loves danielle alot alot alot alot more then she loves him.

Love rate
(Verb) Always kind never jealous always giving and always there
Love rate
(Noun) A state where one can genuinely feel completely comfortable and confident with themselves around another while truly caring that the other person feels similar security.
Love rate
(Expression) an emotion that expresses desire, and the caring of that person.
Usage: I love you

love rate
something that is given unconditionally
Usage: i love my brother because he is very nice to me

Love rate
(Verb) Feelings for another person. A strong desire shown to another person, place or thing.
Usage: I love you.

Love rate
(Verb) Extreme like.
opposite of "hate"
Usage: I love you.

Love rate
(Noun) Appellative to a person one has extreme liking for.
Usage: Love, could you hand me the soap?

love rate
(Verb) an intense feeling of deep affection
Usage: I love you!

Love rate
(Noun) feeling that you feel towards someone you care about
Usage: I love you

Love rate
(Verb) The deepest joyful feeling
Usage: I love my mother and my father

love rate
(Noun) a necessity for life, happiness, peace, harmony
Usage: "Just give love to all" -Creed
"All you need is love"

love rate
(Expression) the feeling of ones care for another
Love rate
(Verb) A strong emotional attatchment to someone or something.
love rate
(Adjective) to adore someone or something.
Usage: i think i may love my boyfriend.

Love rate
enduring kindness and compassion
love rate
(Noun) What makes the world go 'round.
Usage: If we all learn to love one another, the world will be a more beautiful place.

love rate
(Verb) The sacrificial and selfless act of choosing another to care for and emotionally attatch to.
Usage: No greater love has not man than this: that a man should lay down his life for his brother.

love rate
a deep feeling of attraction and attachment towards another individual
Usage: Paul still loves Jessica, even after 29 years of marriage.

love rate
(Noun) like an intense form of happy
Usage: He loves her.

love rate
(Verb) A strong feeling you would have for the people you care the most that you can't explain.
Usage: I love you.

Love rate
(Expression) The most beautiful thing in this world. We can not live without love!
Usage: The mother loves her children.

love rate
(Expression) tender feeling
Usage: i love this website!

love rate
(Verb) an emotion or feeling
Usage: I love him.

Love rate
(Noun) emotion, feeling without which life is empty.
Usage: Life is love.

love rate
(Adjective) an indescribable feeling for another human being
Usage: The love that I feel for my husband is from many years of spending our lives together.

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