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in the life
1. The British expressions ' on the game / in the game ' and its American equivalent ' in the life ' mean involved in prostitution as a way of life.SEE ALSO: game. See prostitution for synonyms.
2. Being a homosexual, being a well-ajusted homosexual; being in the mainstream of Homosexuality. ' Being in the game has its ups and bottoms.'
SEE ALSO: in the closet; life.
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in the beads
in the biz
in the box
in the brown
in the buff
in the business
in the cards
in the closet
in the club
in the family way
in the game
in the good books of
in the hand cream
in the hay
in the kip
in the land of Nod
in the long run
in the lurch
in the main
in the meantime
in the minds eye
in the natural
in the nick of time
in the nip
in the noddle
in the noodie
in the nuddie
in the nude
in the pudden
in the pudding
in the pudding club
in the biz
in the box
in the brown
in the buff
in the business
in the cards
in the closet
in the club
in the family way
in the game
in the good books of
in the hand cream
in the hay
in the kip
in the land of Nod
in the life
in the linein the long run
in the lurch
in the main
in the meantime
in the minds eye
in the natural
in the nick of time
in the nip
in the noddle
in the noodie
in the nuddie
in the nude
in the pudden
in the pudding
in the pudding club