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in loco parentis
Latin for: in the place of a parent; referring to the rights and duties of a guardian.(Noun) Standing in for parents on an official or legal basis.
Usage: The teacher was obliged to follow the role in loco parentis.
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in foal
in for it
in full feather
in full fig
in full orchestra
in gear
in hand
in heat
in heat over
in hindsight
in hot water
in its stead
In Kind
in lieu
in lieu of
in like Flynn
in love with
in medias res
in my kick
in nature's garb
in need of
in nothing but a fig leaf
in nuce
In Omnia Paratus
in one's pelt
in one's Sunday best
in one's Sunday clothes
in perpetuity
in pig
in pod
in pup
in for it
in full feather
in full fig
in full orchestra
in gear
in hand
in heat
in heat over
in hindsight
in hot water
in its stead
In Kind
in lieu
in lieu of
in like Flynn
in loco parentis
in lovein love with
in medias res
in my kick
in nature's garb
in need of
in nothing but a fig leaf
in nuce
In Omnia Paratus
in one's pelt
in one's Sunday best
in one's Sunday clothes
in perpetuity
in pig
in pod
in pup