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having a bit
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have the knot knotted
have the miseries
have the ninety day blues
have the painters in
have the rag(s) on
have the ring of truth
have the time of one's life
have the tremors
have the urge to merge
have the womans complaint
have to swim underwater to get away from it
have union with
haven't the faintest idea
having a ball
having a date with Fisty Palmer
having a date with Rosie Palm and her five sisters
having a five-knuckle-shuffle
having a ham shank
having a J. Arthur
having a one-night-stand with yourself
having a roy
having a sherman
having a technicolor laugh
having a technicolor yawn
having a technicolor yodel
having a tug
having a tug-of-war with the cyclops
having a whack attack
having an arm-wrestle with your one-eyed vessel
have the miseries
have the ninety day blues
have the painters in
have the rag(s) on
have the ring of truth
have the time of one's life
have the tremors
have the urge to merge
have the womans complaint
have to swim underwater to get away from it
have union with
haven't the faintest idea
having a ball
having a bit
having a conversation with the one-eyed trouser snakehaving a date with Fisty Palmer
having a date with Rosie Palm and her five sisters
having a five-knuckle-shuffle
having a ham shank
having a J. Arthur
having a one-night-stand with yourself
having a roy
having a sherman
having a technicolor laugh
having a technicolor yawn
having a technicolor yodel
having a tug
having a tug-of-war with the cyclops
having a whack attack
having an arm-wrestle with your one-eyed vessel