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have ones greens
Or: get one's greens , a 19 th century British expression meaning to copulate. One of many expressions associating food and eating with copulation. See copulation for synonyms.
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have one's bell rung
have one's cherry
have one's chimes rung
have one's cut
have one's foul way with
have one's granny
have one's heart doing back flips
have one's heart doing flip-flips
have one's heart flip flop
have one's heart go pitapat
have one's heart go pitter-patter
have one's nose in a book
have one's oats
have one's ticket punched
have one's will with
have ones ass in a crack
have over
have personal relations with
have plenty of snap in her garter
have plenty of this and that
have plenty of what s/he's got
have relations
have relations with
have sex
have sex meat-to-meat
have sex with
have sexual relations
have sexual relations with
have some cream sauce
have some lip action
have some pussy
have one's cherry
have one's chimes rung
have one's cut
have one's foul way with
have one's granny
have one's heart doing back flips
have one's heart doing flip-flips
have one's heart flip flop
have one's heart go pitapat
have one's heart go pitter-patter
have one's nose in a book
have one's oats
have one's ticket punched
have one's will with
have ones ass in a crack
have ones greens
have ones way withhave over
have personal relations with
have plenty of snap in her garter
have plenty of this and that
have plenty of what s/he's got
have relations
have relations with
have sex
have sex meat-to-meat
have sex with
have sexual relations
have sexual relations with
have some cream sauce
have some lip action
have some pussy