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have a bit of navy cake
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have a bang
have a beef injection
have a beguin for
have a bent dick
have a bit
have a bit of bum
have a bit of cock
have a bit of crumpet
have a bit of cunt
have a bit of fluff
have a bit of fork
have a bit of fun
have a bit of gutstick
have a bit of jam
have a bit of meat
have a bit of mutton
have a bit of rough
have a bit of skirt
have a bit of split mutton
have a bit of stuff
have a bit of sugar stick
have a bit of tail
have a bit of the creamstick
have a bit on the fork
have a blow through
have a bone-on
have a boner
have a bottom-wetter
have a bowel movement
have a box lunch
have a broken machine
have a beef injection
have a beguin for
have a bent dick
have a bit
have a bit of bum
have a bit of cock
have a bit of crumpet
have a bit of cunt
have a bit of fluff
have a bit of fork
have a bit of fun
have a bit of gutstick
have a bit of jam
have a bit of meat
have a bit of mutton
have a bit of navy cake
have a bit of porkhave a bit of rough
have a bit of skirt
have a bit of split mutton
have a bit of stuff
have a bit of sugar stick
have a bit of tail
have a bit of the creamstick
have a bit on the fork
have a blow through
have a bone-on
have a boner
have a bottom-wetter
have a bowel movement
have a box lunch
have a broken machine