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get into
As in: get into someones knickers/shorts/pants , to succeed in having sex with a wo/man. See copulation for synonyms.
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get down to it
get down with
get exclusive rights to
get fucked
get going
get gravel for the goose
get head
get hilt and hair
get hitched
get home
get hooked
get horizontal
get hulled between wind and water
get in double harness
get in trouble
get infected
get into her pants
get into mischief
get into somebody's pants
get into the pants of
get irish
get it off
get it off with
get it on
get it Reno-vated
get it sealed
get it together
get it up
get Jack in the orchard
get jiggy with it
get laid
get down with
get exclusive rights to
get fucked
get going
get gravel for the goose
get head
get hilt and hair
get hitched
get home
get hooked
get horizontal
get hulled between wind and water
get in double harness
get in trouble
get infected
get into
get into bed withget into her pants
get into mischief
get into somebody's pants
get into the pants of
get irish
get it off
get it off with
get it on
get it Reno-vated
get it sealed
get it together
get it up
get Jack in the orchard
get jiggy with it
get laid