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get between the sheets with
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get a piece of ass
get a shot of leg
get a shove in one's blind eye
get a stand
get a stinky pinky
get a wet bottorn
get a wriggle on
get about her
get across
get altared
get an ---
Get any?
get at it
Get away with you!
get back to
get better
get buckwild
get bundled
get burned
get busy
get caught up in
get cemented
get churched
get dosed up
get down
get down on one's knees
get down to business
get down to it
get down with
get exclusive rights to
get fucked
get a shot of leg
get a shove in one's blind eye
get a stand
get a stinky pinky
get a wet bottorn
get a wriggle on
get about her
get across
get altared
get an ---
Get any?
get at it
Get away with you!
get back to
get better
get between the sheets with
get blownget buckwild
get bundled
get burned
get busy
get caught up in
get cemented
get churched
get dosed up
get down
get down on one's knees
get down to business
get down to it
get down with
get exclusive rights to
get fucked