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get a bellyful of marrow
get a bellyful of pudding
get a claim check on
get a crumpet
get a date with Slick Mittens
get a facial
get a fat lip
get a go at the creamstick
get a heart attack
get a horn
get a kick out of
get a kick out of something
get a leaky faucet
get a leg over
get a little
get a lot of house
get a shot of leg
get a shove in one's blind eye
get a stand
get a stinky pinky
get a wet bottorn
get a wriggle on
get about her
get across
get altared
get an ---
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get a bellyful of pudding
get a claim check on
get a crumpet
get a date with Slick Mittens
get a facial
get a fat lip
get a go at the creamstick
get a heart attack
get a horn
get a kick out of
get a kick out of something
get a leaky faucet
get a leg over
get a little
get a lot of house
get a lube job
get a piece of assget a shot of leg
get a shove in one's blind eye
get a stand
get a stinky pinky
get a wet bottorn
get a wriggle on
get about her
get across
get altared
get an ---
Get any?
get at it
Get away with you!
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