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fall in the furrow
C19 th British colloquial phrase meaning:1. To ejaculate prematurely. See ejaculation for synonyms.
2. To copulate without ejaculation. See copulation for synonyms.
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fall about
fall about laughing
fall backward
fall between two stools
fall for
fall for (someone) in a big way
fall for it
fall for like a ton of bricks
fall for someone
fall guy
fall hard for
fall head-over-heels for
fall in a big way
fall in beside
fall in love (with)
fall off the roof
fall on your sword
fall prey
fall through the net
fall to it
Fallen Angel
fallen star
fallen woman
falling off the roof
Fallout 4
fall about
fall about laughing
fall backward
fall between two stools
fall for
fall for (someone) in a big way
fall for it
fall for like a ton of bricks
fall for someone
fall guy
fall hard for
fall head-over-heels for
fall in a big way
fall in beside
fall in love (with)
fall in the furrow
fall in withfall off the roof
fall on your sword
fall prey
fall through the net
fall to it
Fallen Angel
fallen star
fallen woman
falling off the roof
Fallout 4