
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Feminist Action Brigade
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fernando Air Base
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fidia Advanced Biopolymers
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Field Artillery Battalion
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Florida Association of Broadcasters
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fluid Adjustment Break
Usage: Meeting Agenda - 9:15 to 9:45 - FAB

FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Federated Array of Bricks
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fastidious Anaerobe Broth
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Features, Advantages, Benefits.
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) French American British
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fuels Aviation Biochemistry
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Features Attributes Benefits
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Federation of Awarding Bodies
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Final Approval Ballot
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Financial Asset Building
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fine Ass Babes
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fonda Altschul Bang
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Families Against Bush
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fast Atom Bombardment
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Featured Artist Block
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fijian Affairs Board
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fora Area Brasileira
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Forces Armes Burundaises
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Freaks Association Bremen
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) French Association of Bicrossing
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fly-Around-Body
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Forca Aerea Brasileira
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Força Aérea Brasileira
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Forces Armées Burundaises
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Frankfurter Associations Bund
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fraud Advisory Board
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) French-American-British
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Field Artillery Brigade
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Field Assistance Bulletin
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Firecracker Alternative Book
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fiserv Advanced Billing
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Fleet Air Base
fab rate
(Adult / Slang)
Short for fabulous. Chiefly British usage.

Quote: Austin Powers (Mike Myers) to Felicity Shagwell (Heather Graham) in Austin Powers 2 The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999): ' You're fab, you're switched on, you're a bit of all right.'

FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Food Animal Biotechnology
FAB rate
(Abbreviation) Feline Advisory Bureau

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