

comeuppance rate
(Noun) consequence for bad behavior, getting one's "just dessert", getting what one deserves
Usage: He'll get his comeuppance

comeuppance rate
(Noun) Payback; an appropriate, fitting punishment that one deserves.
Usage: He got his comeuppance after he was cheeky to his father.

comeuppance rate
(Noun) just deserts
Usage: The bad guy got his comeuppance.

comeuppance rate
(Noun) consequences; payback.
Usage: He shall receive his comeuppance.

comeuppance rate
(Noun) Penalty for/consequence of bad behavior or actions. (If it's "payback" for good behavior, there's no "comeuppance". And "what you deserve" implies bad behavior, but doesn't say so explicitly.)
comeuppance rate
(Expression) get what you deserve in the end
Usage: He has been ill tempered all his life, but he'll get his comeuppance.

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