

cliche rate
(Noun) An item or phrase which is overrated or overused.
cliche rate
(Noun) Famous saying, like "too many cooks spoil the broth."
cliche rate
(Noun) a saying
cliche rate
(Noun) an overused saying
Usage: "There are plenty of fish in the sea" is an old cliche.

cliche rate
(Noun) overused expression or idea
Usage: He narrated a short story weakened by cliches.

cliche rate
memorable phrase often from films
Usage: i love you......that's such a cliche

cliche rate
a saying that people use that has been being used all the time in reference to something
Usage: the pot calling the kettle black is kinda like a cliche

cliche rate
(Noun) a well known saying repeated by many for a long time
Usage: This may be a cliche, but "when the cat's away, the mice will play."

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