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(Noun) Piece of cloth or fabric used to keep a person warm, usually in bedUsage: Tracy loved the blanket that her grandmother made her and used it every night.
cloth that keeps you warm.
Usage: it was cold at night so i got my blanket.
(Noun) Cloth you cover up with when cold to keep warm
Usage: I was cold so I covered myself with a blanket
a cover used for warmth
Usage: The blanket kept me warm as I slept.
(Noun) a cover to keep you warm
Usage: I like to sleep in my bed at night with a blanket because it keeps me warm.
(Noun) A piece of cloth laid over the lap when seated for comfort and warmth.
Usage: I’m so cold. Can you pass me the blanket?
In S & M, a name for the sexual partner in scenes and scenarios. New blanket wanted for 24/7 play.
(Noun) a heavy cover that keeps you warm in bed
(Noun) a piece of fabric that can be wrapped around or laid over oneself to help keep warm
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