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(Abbreviation) Applications Development Division(Abbreviation) Attention Deficiency Disorder
(Abbreviation) Active Data Dictionary
(Verb) to count numbers together; to put extra or more of something
(Abbreviation) Attention Deficit Disorder.
Usage: I've had a prescription for ADD medicine since I was 15.
(Verb) To put two things together; to move one thing to be with another.
(Abbreviation) Advanced Digital Designs
(Abbreviation) Air Defense Division
(Abbreviation) Airport Development Department
(Abbreviation) American Depositary Debenture
(Abbreviation) American Dream Demonstration
(Abbreviation) Attention Deficit Disorder
(Abbreviation) Abbott Diagnostics Division
(Abbreviation) Agency for Defense Development
(Abbreviation) Automatic Differential Disconnect
(Abbreviation) Absolutely, Divinely, Diversified
(Abbreviation) Accelerated Death Dismemberment
(Abbreviation) Accidental Death Dismemberment
(Abbreviation) Active Duty Dependent
(Abbreviation) Akhbar Dalam Darjah
(Abbreviation) American Doctoral Dissertations
(Abbreviation) Andrews Denise Davis
(Abbreviation) Anime Desho Desho
(Abbreviation) Antarctic Digital Database
(Abbreviation) Antarctic Digital Databse
(Abbreviation) Anti-Dumping Duty
(Abbreviation) Anticonvulsant Drug Development
(Abbreviation) Arab Digital Distribution
(Abbreviation) Architectural Design Document
(Abbreviation) Area Development Director
(Abbreviation) Area Development Districts
(Abbreviation) Attenion Deficit Disorder
(Abbreviation) Attention Deficient Disorder
(Abbreviation) Attenton Deficit Disoder
(Abbreviation) Attenton Deficit Disorder.
(Abbreviation) Audio Day Dream
(Abbreviation) Automatic Device Detection
(Abbreviation) Automatic Direct Draft
(Abbreviation) Automatic Dropping Device
(Verb) 1. To give more to.
2. A mathematical word used in addition.
Usage: We have only 4 cookies, so add 2 more.
(Abbreviation) Ang Dating Daan
(Verb) to make an addition.
(Verb) to put more into
Usage: the man added money to his bank account
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