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(Noun) a large burrowing nocturnal mammal, usually found in sub-Saharan region of Africa, that has a long snout, extensible tongue, powerful claws, large ears, and a heavy tail and its diet consists of mainly termites and antsUsage: Last week I saw an aardvark sleeping at the zoo.
(Noun) A silly-looking creature that eats ants.
Usage: That aardvark is ugly!
College slang meaning to engage in sex.
(Noun) 1.a large burrowing african mammalhaving a pig-like snout and a very long sticky tongue which it sticks into ant holes in order to feed on ants.
Usage: There is a popular cartoon which features an aardvark.
(Noun) a large burrowing African mammal that feeds on ants and termites with its long sticky tongue
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