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a hard row to hoe
(Expression) Difficult path. An old farming saying that refers to after a crop is in, the farming family had to go into the fields and row by row weed and remove large rocks, crush large dirt clods so the crops would be better.This reference is so apropos for young people today in that the decisions they make from the groups the hang with who influence their life paths they take often too early. These permanently affect the future they will and won’t have.
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a date with Manuela
a date with Senorita Mano
a distinction without a difference
A double S
a e i o u
a feast fit for a king
a few ants short of a picnic
a few bricks short of a load
A few cards short of a full deck
a few French fries short of a Happy Meal
A Fidus Achates
a finishing note
a fitting end
a fresh pair of eyes
A good walk spoiled
a hard nut to crack
a kick at the cat
a knee trembler
a la carte
a la Crecy
A leopard doesn't change its spots
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
a little o the one with tother
a little one-on-one
a little southern romance
a loaded question
a lot
a lot riding on sth
a man is known by his friends
a man's word
a mensa et thoro
a date with Senorita Mano
a distinction without a difference
A double S
a e i o u
a feast fit for a king
a few ants short of a picnic
a few bricks short of a load
A few cards short of a full deck
a few French fries short of a Happy Meal
A Fidus Achates
a finishing note
a fitting end
a fresh pair of eyes
A good walk spoiled
a hard nut to crack
a hard row to hoe
A hyena cannot know its own stencha kick at the cat
a knee trembler
a la carte
a la Crecy
A leopard doesn't change its spots
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
a little o the one with tother
a little one-on-one
a little southern romance
a loaded question
a lot
a lot riding on sth
a man is known by his friends
a man's word
a mensa et thoro