
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Voluntary Protection Program
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Video Post Processing
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Visiting Professor Program
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Virus Protection Plan
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Voice Packet Processor
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Voluntary Protection Partnership
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Visual Persuasive Principle
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Vivvo Preferred Partner
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Voluntary Partners Program
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Voltage Peak to Peak
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Virtual Pivot Point
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Variable Power Pool
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Venture Philanthropy Partners
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Volunteer Political Party
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Value Pricing Pilot
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Vanuatu Philippines Pitcairn
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Vehicle Purchase Program
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Vehicle Purchase Protection
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Video Pre-Processor
VPP rate
(Abbreviation) Virtual Presence Post

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