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(Abbreviation) Ultra-Low Carbon Car Challenge(Abbreviation) Ultra-Low Carbon Car Challenge
In April 2003, The Department for Transport announced a £10 million programme to encourage the development and demonstration of Low Carbon Passenger Cars. This programme was subsequently administered by the Energy Saving Trust (EST).
The programme specified that the projects submitted needed to produce a C-segment 5-door vehicle with CO2 emissions of 100g/km well-to-wheels (equivalent to 89.5g/km tank-to-wheels for diesel or 85.9g/km for petrol) and to meet Euro 4 levels for all other emissions.
The vehicles should use only standard pump grade fuel and match or better the range of conventional vehicles in this class. They should also deliver acceptable performance (e.g. provide acceleration of 0-100km/h in 16 seconds or better) as well as match expected levels of comfort and safety.
Finally, it should be feasible to take the vehicles into production within 4 to 8 years and at an affordable
price, taking into account fuel savings and any potential tax incentives.
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