
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Shan Women's Action Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Storage Wide Area Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Storage Wide Area Networking
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Structured Wireless-Aware Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Sun Wide Area Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Superior Wilderness Action Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Support Wide Area Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Synchronized Web Audio Navigation
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Save Westhoughton Act Now
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Social Work Action Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Sports Writers Association of Nigeria
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Social Work Access Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) South West Analysts Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Statewide Water Analysis Network
SWAN rate
(Abbreviation) Structured Wiring Audio Network
swan rate
(Noun) water-bird
Usage: how long do swans live???

swan rate
(Noun) a majestic bird that is capable of gliding over water
Swan rate
(Noun) It's a type of animal belonging to the class Aves

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