
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Safeguard Global Services
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Smithsonian Global Sound
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Smoke Generator Set
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Societ Generale Semiconduttori
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Spacehab Government Services
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Swatch Group Swiss
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Society of Gynecologic Surgeons
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Solar Grade Silicon
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Satellite Ground Station
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Satellite Ground System
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Saudi Geological Survey
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) ScanVec Garment Systems
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Serbian Genealogical Society
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Service Generation Switches
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Service Generation System
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Shapiro Gilman Shandler
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Singapore Government Securities
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Società Generale Semiconduttori
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Southern Graphic Systems
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Space Gateway Support
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Springerville Generating Station
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Spur Gaming Systems
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Stockport Grammar School
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Summit Group Services
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Sunset-Gower Studios
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Super Grain Silicon
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Super Grand Sport
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Surface Guidance System
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Surgical Group Scheduler
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Svalbard Ground Station
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Sydney Grammar School
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) School of Graduate Studies
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Shield Group Security
SGS rate
(Abbreviation) Shield Groups Security

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