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Pertaining to all sexes, genders and sexual orientations.THE THEORY OF PANSEXUALITY
Human beings, by nature must be, "pansexual" (from the Greek, Pan = all) a complete sexual person. We all possess various sexual possibilities
generally classified as heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual, autoerotic,
fetishist, sado-masochistic, etc. These tendencies in our nature can come
out at any time, according to the development of each individual. Children
are born polimorphoperverse; the curiosity of discovery leads them to play
with their mothers, touch their genitals, masturbate and investigate their
excretia. Later, as they develop, they play games of "doctor" as they
explore the bodies and functions of their friends. All this is perfectly
During puberty their ambivalence is natural and undeniable as they adapt to life as an adult. Only later does their sexual proclivity become more
crystallized and definite, although the range of options remain open. These
options are partially repressed or are made taboo, according to the society
in which they live.
There's a tribe in Borneo in which the women live with their children in a
huge hut, while men live apart from them. In Kenya there's a nomadic tribe of proud long-living people who have the custom of coupling boys of twelve
in a ritual of blood-mixing. These male couples remain faithful to each
other all their lives, wandering far off together, returning to the tribe
once or twice a year in order to procreate with the women. There are many examples, like the Siwans from Africa, the Sambia in New Guinea, where nearly all males engage in both hetero- and homo-sexual intercourse, but we can leave these to the anthropologists.
The term "pansexuality" exists already, but with a different meaning to that which I apply to it, indicating the concept to which sexual instinct is the basis of all human behaviour (Freud).
It is important not to repress any of our pansexuality and to live it
freely, using good sense. The repression and banning of natural instinct
creates frustration, often resulting in antisocial and violent behaviour.
Good sense is embodied in the expression: "Don't do unto others what you
would not have them do unto you!"
Definition of pansexuality:
Pansexuality includes all kinds of sexuality that can exist in a human
being, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual, transgender, heterosexual,
tendencies that may prevail either permanently or occasionally.
Usage: Pansexuality includes all kinds of sexuality that can exist in a human
being,tendencies that may prevail either permanently or occasionally.
being,tendencies that may prevail either permanently or occasionally.
Sexual orientation. Pansexuals don´t make distinctions between genders: they could fall in love or feel sexually attracted to any kind of human being. Some people confuse pansexuals with bisexuals by saying that both like male and female. The difference is that bisexuals like men as men and women as women: they make differences between the genders even if they like both. Pansexuals dont make any difference between sexes, that is why attraction towards, for example, transexuals is possible.
The word "pan" is Greek for "all". Although the word "pansexual" is used to describe this sexual orientation that otherwise would have no name. It is not the combination of all sexualities because, that way, no one could be a pansexual ( one can be bisexual and asexual at the same time).
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