
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Octopole Reaction System
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Office of Regulatory Services
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Office of Rehabilitation Services
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Office of Research Services
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Operational Research Society
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Operationally Responsive Space
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Oral Rehydration Salts
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Oral Rehydration Solution
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Orbital Refueling System
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Oregon Revised Statutes
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Organizational Relationships Scale
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Orthopaedic Research Society
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Olfactory Reference Syndrome
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Online Resource Scheduler
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Oxfordshire Railway Society
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Ocean Riser Systems
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) On Rozbil Syntaxi
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Online Registration System
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Operator Restraint System
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Oregon Repertory Singers
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) Overseas Research Student
ORS rate
(Abbreviation) office of recovery services

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