
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Oakley Premium Dealer
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Obnoxious Personality Disorder
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Ocean Power Delivery
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Office of Professional Discipline
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Office Products Division
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Officer Professional Developement
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Officer Professional Development
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Ohio Pizza Delivery
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Omaha Police Department
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) One Per Desk
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Online Plant Directory
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Ontario Police Department
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Optical Products Development
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Organizational Process Definition
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Out Patients' Department
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Outpatient Procedures Database
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Overfill Prevention Device
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Overfilling Prevention Device
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Orlando Police Department
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Outsourced Product Development
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Office of Policy Development
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Office of Professional Development
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Office of Public Diplomacy
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Office of the Public Defender
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Old Product Discontinuation
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Online Pakket Dienst
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Open Platform Design
OPD rate
(Abbreviation) Orphan Products Development
OPD rate
(Noun) Object-Process Diagram, the graphical part of the OPM conceptual modeling and systems engineering language. Its textual complement is OPL.
Usage: An OPD graphically specifies a system or part of it, while OPL is its textual counterpart.

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