
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) National Systems Management
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Natural Semantic Metalanguage
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Naval Strike Missile
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) NetScreen Security Manager
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Security Managers
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Security Monitoring
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Sequence Mirroring
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Service Manager
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Service Modules
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Services Module
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Storage Manager
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Storage Modules
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Surveillance Multiservice
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Synchronization Module
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Networked Systems Management
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) New Smoking Material
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Norm Smith Medallist.
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Norman Spencer McKernan
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) National Science Museum
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) National Soaring Museum
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Not So Much
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Nova Scotia Museum
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) National Social Movement
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) National Spectrum Management
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) Network Services Manager
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) New Store Management
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) National Socialist Movement
NSM rate
(Abbreviation) National Sports Museum

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