
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Nano Layer Deposition
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) National League for Democracy
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) National Long Distance
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Non-Linear Delay
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Non-Linear Diode
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Nonverbal Learning Disorder
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Novell Linux Desktop
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Nation League for Democracy
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) National League of Democracy
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) New Lawyers Division
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Non-Linear Dynamical
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
NLD rate
(Abbreviation) Nonverbal Learning Disability

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