
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Nagorno-Karabakh
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Natural Killer
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Neighboring King
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Neoteristikon Komma
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Nippon Kaiji
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Nordiska Kompaniet
NK rate
(Abbreviation) North Kobeh
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Northern Kimberley
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Northrup-King
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Napredak Krusevac
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Neo Komma
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Night Krawlers
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Nogometni Klub
NK rate
(Abbreviation) North Korea
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Nan Kivell
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Narcistische Krenking
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Neturei Karta
NK rate
(Abbreviation) New Keynesian
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Newton's Kumquat
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Nick Katsoris
NK rate
(Abbreviation) Niemandes Kollektiv.

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