
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Narrow Field Instruments
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Nathan's Famous Inc.
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) National Fatherhood Initiative
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) National Fatherhood Institute
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) National Fireplace Institute
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) National Fisheries Institute
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Netherlands Forensic Institute
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Networked Financial Innovations
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Networks Financial Institute
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) New Freedom Initiative
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Nippon Foundry Inc.
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Nippon Foundry Incorporated
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Normed Fit Index
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Novastar Financial Inc.
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Nuclear Fuel Industries
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) National Freight, Inc
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Netball Federation of India
NFI rate
(Abbreviation) Non-Food Item

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