
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Mothers Offering Moms Support
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Mothers Organized for Moral Stability
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Multimedia Online Marketing System
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Making Our Milk Safe
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Martin Onrot Mendl Schwartz
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Mature Opportunities Model Scouts
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Mail Order Medical Supply
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Maternal Outreach Management Systems
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Medical Office Management System
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Micro Opto-Mechanical Systems
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Mid-Oregon Midwifery Services
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Midwest Original Music Showcase
MOMS rate
(Abbreviation) Moms Offering Moms Support

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